Hanna Bethany

Hanna Bethany

  • Gender: Female
  • Orientation: Bi Sexual
  • Nationality: Sweden
  • Age: 20
  • Sign: Gemini
  • Occupation: escort
  • Relationship: single
  • Personality: submissive
  • Base model: Kate
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#BackgroundModels Hanna Bethany Bio pic Her parents were American and moved to Sweden because of the more liberal Sex laws. Hanna was molested at a very young age. She was trained and raised for one purpose only, to be a sex slave. She likes pain and loves to be whipped. The rougher her Master/Mistress the more she likes it. She truly believes she deserves to be abused, whipped and beaten. It is the only life she has ever known and now she revels in it. Her Master/Mistress uses her as a special Escort for their BDSM customers. Hanna is strictly a Background Model, so have fun and use her as you will. Outfit consists of; Sleeveless Disco Bill by @Str8Nemeis Shoes by @lagit38 https://www.thri.xxx/gamerotica/item/646736
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